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posted on Thu, 11 Feb, 2016 | loading...


Worship is a daily tribute to the one who created me and owns my life……(Taken from the poem “WORSHIP IS” BY HELEN YAWSON ©2015)*

I’ve noticed that, the word “tribute” only seems to often come up when there is a funeral where family and friends are given the opportunity to say or read out a few words about the person who has passed on.  Some of it true, some totally made up and some a total shock to the listening audience, but we all clap, smile and respond nicely, out of respect for the deceased. Have you ever related giving tributes, to worshiping God?

I noticed a line in an old hymn (*PRAISE MY SOUL THE KING OF HEAVEN) that says “to His feet thy tribute bring”   This actually got me thinking about what a tribute is and how it relates to worshipping God.  It got me thinking about what kind of tribute to bring to God.

What is a tribute?

A TRIBUTE is an act or statement that reflects our respect, gratitude, love and admiration for someone.

Have you paid tribute to the Creator of your life, today?  I believe we can pay tribute to God by our words and also by our actions.

I know I didn’t get here by myself. God has given me experiences, relationships and opportunities that have shaped who I am.  I have learnt never to take anything for granted. The fact that I am alive today is reason to give thanks to God who created me and owns my life. 

I believe, every day presents itself with opportunities to worship God.  It offers us reasons to continue to pay tribute to God. I have realized nothing is too small to thank God for.  You have shoes on your feet, pay tribute, you have shelter, pay tribute, you have feet to fit into shoes, pay tribute, you have parents, pay tribute, you have a stable family, pay tribute, you have good health, pay tribute, you have a wonderful marriage, pay tribute, you have a child, pay tribute, you are gainfully employed, pay tribute. You can smile, pay tribute, you can talk, pay tribute.  You may have been through some difficult situations, don’t have a job, childless, still pay tribute. Are you still breathing, pay tribute.

Scripture says, “Let everything that has breath praise The Lord….Psalm 150:6.   If you still have breath in you, then you qualify to give tribute to God.

Make sure before you complain or see what is not working in your life, PAY TRIBUTE TO YOUR CREATOR, for purposefully placing you on the earth. And thank Him for life.  Scripture says “give thanks in all circumstances………” Have you ever received bad news and wanted to curse God and ask “Why Me”? In these times, I have learnt, sometimes still angry and in pain to praise God or ,have the scriptures or a worship song playing that affirms what I know to be true about God’s character. I start praising Him in my heart, before I can form the words with my mouth. 

So wherever you are right now, whatever stage of the problem, or maybe you don’t even have a problem.  Let’s take time out today to pay tribute to the one who created us and owns us, God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. You never know who is going to gain strength to carry on, by hearing your tribute to God.

Psalm 34:1 says:  “I will bless the Lord at ALL times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth” 

He loves us so dearly and will never let go of our lives. Therefore worship and shower GOD with endless tributes of love, praise, admiration, respect and gratitude.

What I have written today is my way of paying tribute to my heavenly Father, God.  The Ageless, Timeless, Faithful, Good, Merciful and Loving God.

Helen Yawson.

*The Poem “Worship Is” can be found in Helen Yawson’s Book: More Than A Song.
*Praise My Soul The King of Heaven written by Henry F Lyte


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